Tobii Eye Tracker Mounting Kit
Tobii Eye Tracker Mounting Kit
Tobii Eye Tracker Mounting Kit
Flex Mount and Metal Plate Mounts
Engineered for gaming
What does it include?
This kit includes extra mounts for your Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and Tobii Eye Tracker 4C.
Made for flexibility.
Screens come in various shapes and forms, and the Flex Mount is engineered to fit most. There should not be a thing such as bad positioning, simply adjust the angle of the Flex Mount so the tracker can always face you.
Simplicity at work.
The simple, yet durable Metal Plate Mounts can be placed directly on the front of your screen bezel.
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Made for various shapes
The Flex Mount places underneath your curved, flat, ultrawide, or thin-bezel screen.
Your preference matters
For built-in screens or to place your tracker directly on the front of your screen bezel, use the Metal Plate Mount.
Catch your right angle
We all have different postures and heights. Therefore our positioning in front of a screen will vary. Use the Flex Mount to put the tracker at the right angle.
Placing a mount is not rocket science.
But there are some things you need to be aware of, so check out our mounting guide.
Does the Flex Mount work on curved screens? | Yes! Just make sure you do not have buttons or vents in the way at the bottom of your screen bezel. |
What is included? | One Flex Mount Two Metal Plate Mounts One Cleaning Wipe |
Do I have to place a metal plate on the Flex Mount? | The Flex Mount comes with a pre-mounted Metal Plate so you have the other two metal plates to spare or to use as a standalone mount. |
Does the Flex Mount work on all screens? | Yes, with exceptions for built-in screens like laptops as you have to place the Flex Mount underneath your screen. Also, make sure you do not have buttons or vents in the way at the bottom of your screen bezel. |
- One Flex Mount
- Two Metal Plate Mounts
- One Cleaning Wipe
Please remember folks, clean and dry the surface well before you stick the mount to it and wait for a few hours for the adhesive to settle before putting the weight of your eye tracker on it.
- Tobii Eye Tracker 5
- Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
- Clean the surface on the bottom of your screen well with the supplied wet wipe and then let it dry
- Take the protective strips off the mount
- Place the mount on the bottom part of your screen, not the top, and apply a little bit of pressure for a few seconds
For the Flex Mount, place it in the middle underneath your screen bezel
For the Metal Plate Mount, place it in the middle on the front of the bottom of your screen bezel - Now let the adhesive for the mount settle for a few hours before putting the weight of your tracker on it.
Our new Flex Mount is designed to be adaptable to both flat and curved screens, with additional Metal Plate Mounts for built-in screens.
Works for Tobii Eye Tracker 5 & Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Unser neuer Flex Mount ist so konzipiert, dass er sowohl an flache als auch an gebogene Bildschirme angepasst werden kann, mit zusätzlichen Metallplattenhalterungen für eingebaute Bildschirme.
Geeignet für Tobii Eye Tracker 5 & Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Notre nouvelle attache flexible s’adapte à la fois aux écrans plats et courbes. Elle est livrée avec des attaches supplémentaires pour écrans plats.
Compatible avec Tobii Eye Tracker 5 & Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Nuestro nuevo Flex Mount está diseñado para adaptarse tanto a pantallas planas como curvas, con soportes metálicos adicionales para pantallas integradas.
Funciona con Tobii Eye Tracker 5 y Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Portugese (BR)
Nosso novo suporte foi projetado para adaptação em telas planas e curvas, com suportes de placa de metal adicionais para telas integradas.
Funciona com Tobii Eye Tracker 5 e Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Il nostro nuovo Flex Mount è progettato per essere adattabile sia a schermi piatti che curvi, con ulteriori supporti in metallo per schermi integrati.
Funziona per Tobii Eye Tracker 5 e Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Наше новое гибкое крепление предназначено для использования как с плоскими, так и с изогнутыми экранами. В комплекте также имеются дополнительные плоские крепления для экранов ноутбуков и подобных устройств.
Крепления совместимы как с Tobii Eye Tracker 5, так и с Tobii Eye Tracker 4C
Tobii Eye Tracker 5 と Tobii Eye Tracker 4Cに適用されます。
새로운 플렉스 마운트(Flex Mount)는 평면 및 곡면 스크린에 모두 장착할 수 있으며, 금속 판 마운트(Metal Plate Mount)를 이용하면 내장 스크린에도 장착할 수 있습니다.
토비 눈 추적기 5 (Tobii Eye Tracker 5) & 토비 눈 추적기 4C (Tobii Eye Tracker 4C) 에서 사용 가능합니다.