Eye Tracking Features in Monstrum
Flashlight Control
Your natural gaze controls the flashlight, revealing what's hiding in the dark.
Peek into the darkness. Or just run.
With Tobii Eye Tracking, your sight becomes a part of your gameplay, deepening your immersion in the chilling atmosphere of Monstrum. Explore using your natural gaze to move the screen, direct your flashlight, interact with objects and fire towards the threats that come your way using your eyes.
- Extended View - Eye & Head Tracking
- Fire at Gaze
- Flashlight Control
- Interaction at Gaze
Additional information
Eye Tracker & PCDeveloper
Release Date
May 20, 2015Store
Meet the Tobii Eye Tracker 5
The next generation
of eye and head tracking,
engineered for PC gamers.
The next generation of eye and head tracking, engineered for PC Gaming.

VAT included + Free shipping
VAT included + Free shipping
We create technology that enables gamers to experience their favorite immersive games like never before.
We create technology that enables gamers to experience their favorite immersive games like never before.
It is part science and part art to optimize a game for eye tracking and head tracking, as you get to experience and control the game world differently. Every game is unique, built from available game design, art style, mechanics, technology and team, which is why we optimize PC games based on new releases and community requests for back-catalog titles.
Content Creation
We’ve got the content creator in you covered
We’ve got the content creator in you covered